Quality lighting designs improve the environmental footprint of industrial projects. Reducing or eliminating light trespass and upward-directed light is crucial.
At times, mining, exploration, and other operations are close to sensitive areas. Light spillage outside of the facility perimeter disrupts and impacts the surrounding ecosystem. Excessive upward lighting wastes electricity and causes a degradation of the night sky.

Installing IDA-listed light fixtures can reduce upward lighting. Detailed lighting designs define luminaire locations, tilt, rotation, intensity, color, and optics. These recommendations reduce the potential for excessive light trespass outside the facility perimeters.
light trespass outside the facility perimeters.
IDA Certification (Dark Sky)
"IDA is the recognized authority for night sky protection and has taken the lead in identifying and publicizing the negative impacts of artificial light at night on human health, wildlife, and climate change."
Nemalux believes in the International Dark Sky Association.
They advocate for the 5 Principals of Responsible Outdoor Lighting.

The position of the fixture must face downward, eliminating upward-directed light. A non-adjustable mount ensures parallel positioning to the ground. This arrangement helps mitigate glare while reducing light trespass and sky glow.