Adapter Spec Sheet
Adapter Install Manual


The Nemalux retrofit adapter converts legacy Eaton Crouse Hinds light fixture hoods and upgrades them to an optimized Nemalux LED luminaire. Reusing the Eaton Crouse Hinds mounting hoods and installing Nemalux fixtures with the retrofit adapter reduces labour costs and time, significantly simplifying the installation process.

Retrofit-JR-Series-Tophat-600bBenefits of the Nemalux Top Hat Retrofit Adapter
  • Reduced maintenance with a robust LED luminaire.
  • There is no need to drill new mounting holes.
  • Eliminate re-running conduit wiring.
  • Re-use existing wiring.
  • Easy hinge installation

LED Top Hat Retrofit Adapters for Hazardous Locations 

LED technology, the new standard of industrial lighting, offers safety and energy efficiencies for harsh and hazardous location worksites. Installing LED retrofit adapters is straightforward, ensuring ease and convenience. This upgrade can significantly reduce energy and maintenance costs compared to traditional high-intensity discharge (HID) lights, providing a long-term solution for industrial facilities.

What is a Retrofit Top Hat Adapter?retrofit-top-hat-adapter-600b

A top-hat retrofit adapter is a mounting accessory that connects to a legacy light fixture base. The NEM-TH-EA model from Nemalux mates with Crouse Hinds light fixture mounting hoods.

 This retrofit adapter is available from Nemalux in the following configurations:

  • A stand-alone part that an electrician can install to support a Nemalux fixture.
  • A complete pre-wired assembly ready for installation straight out of the box with minimal labour investment onsite.

As a lighting solution in a hazardous location, the retrofit assembly gives facility managers the fastest, most cost-effective means of replacing outdated lighting sources with reliable LED fixtures.

Better lighting for the industrial workplace

Nemalux provides unparalleled customer service to address your lighting requirements. We offer luminaires that improve safety, decrease environmental impacts, and increase operational efficiency.

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Nemalux Fixtures compatible for retrofit top hat adapters:


JR Series

2,000 - 5,000 Lumen Compact Luminaire

c/w NEM-TH-EA Adapter & Conduit Rotation Lock (JR-CC).

Weight: 3.41 kg | 7.74 lbs

Typical mounting height: 8-12 feet


MR Series

3,000 – 6,000 Lumen Resourceful Luminaire

c/w NEM-TH-EA Adapter & Conduit Rotation Lock (MR-CC).

Weight: 6.1 kg | 13.7 lbs

Typical mounting height: 8-14 feet


XR Series

8,000 – 20,000 Lumen Versatile Luminaire

c/w NEM-TH-EA Adapter & Conduit Rotation Lock (XR-CC).

Weight: 9.0 kg | 20.0 lbs

Typical mounting height: 8-25 feet

Upgraded Illumination Quality Through Simple Retrofits

Operator experience improves significantly when the lighting quality aligns well with task requirements. Retrofitting legacy products can deliver lighting intensity, allowing workers to conduct tasks more accurately. The colour rendering index of modern LED luminaires is substantially higher than that of older HPS systems, enabling a more accurate representation of colour under artificial lights. With the addition of full cut-off and custom optics, upgrades can improve lighting distribution, directing light only where needed.

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